The Jones Family

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Ryan!

So every year I blog about Ryans birthday and tell him all the reasons why I love him and am greatful for him...why break tradition! Ryan here are "28" reasons why I love you!!

28. You are a very safe driver.

27. You could fix anything thats broken

26. You always do what I tell you too! (ha I promise Im not bossy at all!)

25. You get my "dont embarass me" signals!

24. You are a wonderful son.

23. You wash the dishes everyday

22. You always mow the lawn and you enjoy it (are yard always looks great!)

21. You watch dumb girly movies with me and don't complain!

20. You take Cameron to the park!

19. You are letting me plan Cameron a birthday party thats so fun and a little costly!

18. YOu enjoy my family as much as I do!

17. You change my oil every 3000 miles!

16. you rotate my tires and wash my car!

15. You worry about our future!

14. YOu love spending time with me and Cameron above anybody!

13. you bought me a new ring!

12. You pay all the bills bc you know I hate it!

11. you rock at video and computer games!

10. Your willing to wear purple for me!

9. You are the best hugger!

8. YOu help me do crafts!

7. YOu are a great teacher

6. You are the priesthood leader of our home

5. You watch Cameron everyday!

4. Cameron loves his dada so much!

3. YOu will go to Disneyland with me all the time bc you know how much I love it!

2. You are so handsome!

1. You love me and Cameron so much!

Happy Birthday Ryan hope its a fun one!!! I love you!


Terisetta said...

You are very lucky.. he is a great guy!

Pallets and Pearls said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! I saw your comment...naps are a little better. I tried his tummy and he slept awesome, but I was so paranoid that he was going to squish his face into the mattress and stop I think when he can lift his head better I will try it again. But at least I know there is something that will work. Thank you!!!

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