The Jones Family

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cousin Fun!

Bob and Lindsay, Britt and Chad, Ryan and I, and my mom all had dinner at my house on Saturday. The kids all have so much fun running around and playing. We did have a few mishaps (sorry Macie!) but other than that the kids had so much fun! I told Cameron a half hour before they got there they were coming and he was so exicted he kept yelling yea! yea!! I was trying to clean and he was trying to help me, maybe he thought that would mean they would get there faster!! Love all those sweet kids!! Macie, Lincoln, Cameron, and Tate!
The Gang!

The boys!

Ride Tate, Ride!!


Monroe Family said...

Love the pics annie! so cute!

Terisetta said... cute.. thanks for always taking pictures!