The Jones Family

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Random pics

Cameron having fun on his horse!!!
Broke my that felt good!!!

On our anniversary Ryans dad was visiting and they worked the whole day, so last Wednesday we went out to eat at Red Lobster, went and saw Transformers 2 (awesome!) and Ryan bought me these beautiful roses! Thanks Ryan! and thanks mom for watching Cameron so we could go out on a date!


Lindsey Vance Parry said...

AHHH how sweet happy late anniversary!! Transformers was AWESOME!! I wish we had known it was showing at the IMAX though that would have been better!!

Monroe Family said...

How the heck did you break your toe?

Britttany said...

Lindsay that's what I want to know... How the heck did you break your toe? The flowers are beautiful, my husband hasn't bought me flowers since we have been married. He needs to take lessons from Ryan apparently.